NosoloRed SL currently provides various services to over 300 customers across countries (Spain, Italy, UK, Mexico, Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador and Honduras).
For privacy and confidentiality we can not offer links to the work performed. We have also listed the different types of profiles of our clients:
- Individuals and companies (from SMEs to Companies in many sectors of activities), Business Associations and Unions, various sector associations, etc.
- Consulting and Education Centers (Academies, Schools, Schools, etc.).
- Government (municipalities, Boards, Municipal Institutes, Chambers of Commerce, Official Schools and other institutions).
- Universities in Spain, Argentina and Honduras.
- Hospitals, foundations, fraternities, official Colleges, consumer associations, insurance brokers Multinacionesles, etc.
- NGOs in Spain and Colombia, Parent Teacher Associations / Mothers of Students, Schools, Colleges and Teacher Centres, Clubs and Associations Cultural and Sports.