La versión 1.11.20 del #SoftwareLibre Chamilo #LMS ya se encuentra disponible! Chamilo es una Plataforma #elearning desarrollada y liberada bajo la licencia GNU/GPLv3+
Instalada y configurada sin coste en Nosolored.
Servicios Chamilo
Release notes - summary
Chamilo 1.11.20 is a minor bug fix release on top of 1.11.18.
Release name
Portsmouth (UK) is almost a legendary city. With historical records going back almost 2000 years and an inspiring current state (most densely populated city in the United Kingdom, historical and military monuments all over, officially an island, etc), and a history of "almost getting destroyed" several times, yet always recovering splendidly, Portsmouth shares a few similarities with the 1.11 branch of Chamilo. This version being one that would not necessarily have existed would surprising events not happened at the time. This version matches the appearance of incredible progress in the AI world which have impacted Chamilo and we hope it marks a great first step for our future history, that we hope to be as everlasting as Portsmouth's.
Security fixes
- [2023-04-17] (4a587707) Add html filter to form fields
- [2023-04-17] (fe28c311) Skill: Fix XSS when showing selected skill
- [2023-04-18] (19af444d) Notebook: Add cidReq to links to edit/delete notes
- [2023-04-18] (f9a17bfa) Notebook: Validate that only the author can edit the note
- [2023-04-18] (80d1a8c9) Work: Remove xss for comment list
- [2023-04-18] (a41095b7) Forum: Fix filter in post_title field
- [2023-04-20] (0c1c29db) Work: Fix access to download files
- [2023-04-20] (408651cf) Gradebook: Protect form to add results
- [2023-04-20] (1ddff468) Chat: Use security token when sending messages
- [2023-04-21] (66a1d211) Document: Refactor + add security token to actions
- [2023-04-24] (ed946908) Social: block anonymous users for read_url_with_open_graph
- [2023-05-30] (95e481d5 - GH#4711) Session: Fix issue sending the import file to all users #security
- [2023-06-02] (0d0c88c4) Sanitize uploaded SVG files
Notable new Features
For end-users, teachers and Chamilo admins
These features are immediately available to users through the web interface.
- [2023-02-07] (f86cf350 - GH#4594) Plugin: AI Helper: Add feature to use AI Helper to create learning paths
- [2023-02-08] (08fc2d13 - BT#20535) Session: Add export of results of session courses in CSV
- [2023-02-13] (159e8ee0 - GH#4594) Plugin: AI Helper: Add tracking table and option to enable in quiz and learnpaths separately
- [2023-02-15] (7fd2013f - GH#4608) Plugin: AI Helper: Add option to generate tests within learnpath generation
- [2023-02-27] (e1b5f302 - BT#20570) Tracking: Add extrafields in learning path report
- [2023-02-28] (9f3bcab2 - BT#20575) Tracking: Add duplicated_users report
- [2023-04-29] (67ff7589 - BT#20691) Exercise: Add option to export multiple attempt results in zip
For developers and sysadmins
Although most features here will be used by teachers or Chamilo admins, they require sysadmin privileges to enable them on the server.
- [2023-02-03] (354f0830 - BT#20250) Admin: Add configuration setting 'gradebook_display_extra_stats' to control columns shown in the gradebook
- [2023-02-07] (84135b40 - BT#18201) Admin: Add configuration setting 'portfolio_advanced_sharing' to select who can view the portfolio comments
- [2023-02-14] (3748da21 - BT#20512) Internal: Mail: Add options to allow configuring mail with XOAuth method
- [2023-02-17] (b0823cca - BT#20478) Admin: Add configuration setting 'webservice_return_user_field' to enable returning a specific extra field instead of the username in webservices that implement it
- [2023-02-20] (2675965e - BT#20443) Plugin: External Notification Connect: Send notification when changing post visibility in portfolio
- [2023-03-08] (9971bb0d - BT#19673) Script: Add script to detect duplicate files by MD5 sum
- [2023-03-09] (0d6eed01 - BT#20442) Plugin: ExtraMenuFromWebservice: New plugin region "header left logo" created. Style changes
- [2023-03-12] (fce29c75) Admin: Add configuration setting 'multiple_url_hide_disabled_settings' to decide whether unchangeable settings in sub-urls are visible and disabled, or completely invisible to non-global-admins
- [2023-03-20] (f8d12645 - GH#4648) Internal: Mail configuration: Allow individual mail settings for multisite environments
- [2023-03-24] (ea42311b - BT#20639) Learnpath: Add dates as item prerequisites
- [2023-03-26] (be5bc900 - BT#20638) Course: Add filter to show courses in catalogue with extrafield
- [2023-03-28] (8f745a2b - BT#20638) Course: Add filter to show courses by categories
- [2023-03-31] (6c617c57 - BT#20637) Calendar: Add agenda_event_subscriptions configuration setting
- [2023-03-31] (8288eee3 - BT#20652) Catalogue: Add option to hide the link to the course catalog in the menu when the catalog is public
- [2023-03-31] (4682d749 - BT#20637) Calendar: Allow to subscribe/unsubscribe users to events
- [2023-05-02] (1fdbec24 - BT#20712) Admin: Add configuration setting 'usergroup_add_user_show_all_student_by_default' for groups
- [2023-05-02] (6f7b7448 - BT#20709) Admin: Add configuration setting 'session_admin_access_system_announcement' to allow session admins to access the system announcements tool
- [2023-05-02] (38c3030d - BT#20709) Plugin: Zoom: Add "session admin" as role allowed to launch global conferences
- [2023-05-03] (d337a07d - BT#20709) Plugin: Zoom: Allows to show toolbar to session admin
- [2023-05-05] (02c6c87e - BT#20695) Script: Add bulk update for course settings
- [2023-05-09] (8a363a8c - BT#20736) Script: System: Script to delete content of a specific URL or all URL except a specific one in a multiURL context
- [2023-05-11] (2eab5359 - BT#20689) Admin: Add configuration setting 'file_upload_size_limit_for_teacher' to limit upload files by volume for trainers
- [2023-05-17] (7bee134f - BT#20700) Plugin: BBB: enable visioconference from all URL in a base course in a multiURL context
- [2023-05-25] (564f15c5 - BT#20711) Career: Add 'career_hierarchy_enable' extra field and allow to hierarchy careers
- [2023-05-30] (28728faa) Admin: Add configuration setting 'course_tracking_student_detail_show_certificate_of_achievement' to hide certificate of achievement and add clearer presentation of certificate generation page
- [2023-05-30] (bb0ab206 - GH#4658) Admin: Gradebook: Add configuration setting 'certificate_export_report_user_extra_fields' to add a CSV report on issued certificates
Improvements (minor features) and debug
In reverse chronological order...
- [2023-06-06] (232d9452 - GH#4738) Calendar: Fix missing check on allow_personal_agenda events setting
- [2023-06-06] (e0751a7b - GH#4662) LDAP: Remove duplicate definition of extldap_get_admin()
- [2023-06-06] (8c01738f - GH#4647) Webservice: Improve function parameters strictness
- [2023-06-06] (08925120) Internal: Fix query checking user.user_id instead of Maintained result format by adding 'user_id' as result field
- [2023-06-06] (01f8a3e2) Plugin: Test2pdf: Improve PDF download filename so it is possible to identify the test
- [2023-06-06] (30e9d285 - GH#4723) Catalogue: Fix missing space in SQL query
- [2023-06-06] (38e080f6 - GH#4721) Admin: Fix individual search and assignment of course to URL #multiurl
- [2023-06-06] (0ab027d3 - GH#4689) Plugin: H5P: Add check to avoid double-loading jquery-ui.min.js
- [2023-06-02] (f6e83550) Vendor: Require enshrined/svg-sanitize
- [2023-06-02] (aecd5c72 - GH#4639) Plugin: OnlyOffice: Bump plugin to version 1.2.0 (adds support for Forms and JWT)
- [2023-06-01] (45dcb034) Tracking: invert option to hide by default certificate of achievement icon
- [2023-06-01] (c7ae3f35) Wiki: Fix for substr() on DateTime Author: @TheTomcat14
- [2023-06-01] (dbe0e52c) Calendar: Fix missing group context in event edition Author: @TheTomcat14
- [2023-05-31] (56dac0ac - GH#2661) Exercise: Improve PDF export results when it is empty
- [2023-05-31] (efb9fbff) Plugin: BuyCourses: Fix issue over-formatting values greater than 1000 Author: @juancpbinario
- [2023-05-31] (39219c5f) Calendar: Fix failing attachment upload in Calendar::editEvent() Author: @TheTomcat14
- [2023-05-31] (d17ec703 - BT#20611) Plugin: OAuth2: Add alternative URLs as comments in the code (tested case with OKTA testing env)
- [2023-05-31] (21a407ea - BT#20711) Career: Minor update partial translation in FR, EN, ES for heriarchies implementation
- [2023-05-31] (7d3710ba) Career: Fix hierarchy filter in some cases
- [2023-05-30] (06597324) Career: Improve filter with hierarchy
- [2023-05-30] (2b3e0363) Career: Improve filter with hierarchy
- [2023-05-30] (3ead906e) Document: Fix JS strings with single quotes
- [2023-05-30] (41520a4c - GH#4670) Course: Use Database::insert instead of SQL query
- [2023-05-30] (425dc17e) Career: Block select own career as parent and improve hierarchy view
- [2023-05-30] (acb01fb3 - BT#20781) Document: Fix error in French with unescaped quotes that broke the javascript
- [2023-05-30] (ef85d045) Learnpath: fix mystudents report lp time when 'lp_minimum_time' = true in configuration.php and minimum time = 0 Author: Juan Cortizas Ponte <>
- [2023-05-30] (072e0daa) Tracking: Minor update partial translation in FR, EN, ES for certificate of Achievement clearer presentation
- [2023-05-26] (01c84cfb) Documentation: update regarding current branch
- [2023-05-26] (3759b4fe - GH#3387) Gradebook: Fix size of column for nice presentation in PDF export to recover changed in commit
- [2023-05-26] (3ae17800 - BT#20691) Exercise: Improve PDF export of exercise results. Export all exercises in a course + allow for dates range
- [2023-05-25] (d079f0b8 - BT#20674) System: Security: indication on how to fix an apache since problem present since version 2.4.38-3 with rediction of URL with spaces not working any more
- [2023-05-24] (24d21374 - BT#20712) Group: Show official code correctly when adding user in group
- [2023-05-24] (8be357f5 - BT#20575) Tracking: fix duplicated users report that only showed the first result
- [2023-05-23] (74b6a179 - BT#20762) Document: Fix sec_token in actions links
- [2023-05-23] (b9b11f90) Fix broken broken bbb lib for missing bracket
- [2023-05-16] (b9a73e17 - BT#20689) System: Upload: Minor update partial translation in FR, EN, ES for file size limitation for teachers
- [2023-05-15] (e1ea5af6 - BT#20689) Upload: Improve error message after submitted error file
- [2023-05-15] (65444ae2) Calendar: final fix default entity activation that should only be activated if the option is activated to fix commit #a41095b7
- [2023-05-11] (a38ef0d1) Calendar: fix default entity activation that should only be activated if the option is activated
- [2023-05-11] (992e8a36) Calendar: fix default entity activation that should only be activated if the option is activated
- [2023-05-10] (14ed1dd2 - BT#20736) Script: System: fixing various errors
- [2023-05-05] (071f33af - BT#20709) Plugin: Zoom: Allows to add/edit system announcement to session admin
- [2023-05-05] (a98b0e32) User: Add icons to set user as ex-learner
- [2023-05-04] (4933d1a0 - BT#20691) Exercise: Improve export results to pdfs in zip
- [2023-05-02] (9ffdbf88 - BT#20721) Admin: limit course listing to specific URLs in case of multiURL context
- [2023-05-01] (7ecc0c9c) Webservice: Add filter on PPT filename for remote PPT2LP converter
- [2023-04-28] (d9b1ed4d - BT#16108) Tracking: Fix queries in quarterly reports
- [2023-04-26] (2e4e6919 - BT#20639) Learnpath: Add extrafields in document creation form
- [2023-04-26] (df26e0ae) Plugin: Zoom: Update configuration instructions in french for OAuth server to server app installation
- [2023-04-24] (ea5791ff) Link: Use GuzzleHttp to check URLs
- [2023-04-24] (cc278f01) Social: Use GuzzleHttp to verify URL with open graph
- [2023-04-24] (fdd1c839) CI: Fix Composer hook generateDoctrineProxies when there is no configuration.php file
- [2023-04-21] (fb88d154 - BT#20695) Learnpath: Fix condition to check prerequisites date
- [2023-04-17] (35112524 - BT#20630) Work: Script: Adding script to fix wrong group_id in student publication
- [2023-04-17] (64f1a156 - BT#20638) Course: fix category filter for courses in catalogue
- [2023-04-13] (a60712d5 - BT#20639) Learnpath: Minor update partial translation in FR, EN, ES for item dates prerequisites
- [2023-04-13] (217373a3 - BT#20369) Learnpath: Improve validations of item prerequisites dates
- [2023-04-13] (7948056e - BT#20637) Calendar: Minor update partial translation in FR, EN, ES for event subscription
- [2023-04-10] (e7e352f1 - BT#20637) Calendar: Allow to remove subscribers
- [2023-04-12] (1da55c48 - BT#20639) Learnpath: Add dates validations when item is edited
- [2023-04-12] (de67f799) Plugin: OAuth2: Catch UniqueConstraintViolation exception when updating user
- [2023-04-11] (9f8072ab - BT#20676) Course: Fix access error when the tool name is changed
- [2023-04-11] (6ccdfbb2 - BT#20639) Learnpath: Improve dates as item prerequisites
- [2023-04-10] (78292788 - BT#20637) Calendar: Fix select_ajax to search classes
- [2023-04-10] (e58b2ac2 - BT#20637) FormValidator: Allow to set select2's dropdownParent property to SelectAjax element
- [2023-04-10] (b3f92b08) Course catalog: Filter the code shown in course category form
- [2023-04-06] (de47f0e6) Course catalog: Fix option to hide the link to course catalog in the menu not to block access to the catalog -refs BT20652
- [2023-04-05] (70174b6c - BT#20637) Calendar: Fix save item id
- [2023-04-04] (b11c050a - BT#20649) Document: Fix export folder in students view
- [2023-04-04] (a517729e - BT#20250) Session: Don't subscribe all users from usergroups when importing session and classes doesn't exist
- [2023-04-04] (5bb00f8d - BT#20638) Course: Improve filter for courses in catalogue
- [2023-04-04] (8d988947 - BT#20637) Calendar: Set instructions to enable agenda_event_subscriptions
- [2023-04-04] (51c72b2e - BT#20594) Course catalog: fix incoherence on user unsubscribe call so that it works in the catalog and also in other parts
- [2023-04-03] (e92e2c30 - BT#20637) Calendar: Allow to set subscription visibility to members of usergroup (class)
- [2023-04-03] (7812c65a - BT#20638) Course: Add filter to show courses in catalogue
- [2023-04-03] (3612b700 - BT#20638) Course: Improve filter to show courses in catalogue with extrafield
- [2023-04-03] (ddfe2251 - BT#20637) Calendar: Fix form to edit personal event with invitations
- [2023-04-03] (6defb357 - BT#20542) Tracking: Course: Finalization date fix column order
- [2023-03-31] (79bb45fa - BT#20657) Session: Fix course tool intro removal when duplicating a session
- [2023-03-30] (c6f7cb98 - BT#20574) User: allow @ in username field
- [2023-03-29] (96695971 - BT#20644) Work: Add cidReq parameter to bigUpload url
- [2023-03-27] (b1cf7571 - BT#18337) Plugin: ExtraMenuFromWebservice: Menu is closed by default.
- [2023-03-27] (69ad3db8) Plugin: AI Helper: Minor: Documentation: Add link to models list
- [2023-03-22] (445afd64) Plugin: LTI Client: Fix version for tools v1.1
- [2023-03-22] (ada61aa4) Internal: Only autogenerate Doctrine proxies if they don't exist
- [2023-03-22] (f99329df) Internal: Require when running doctrine scripts
- [2023-03-22] (b4bcee9f) Internal: Fix composer script
- [2023-03-22] (0ffc7c26 - BT#20442) Plugin: ExtraMenuFromWebservice: Fix missing z-index
- [2023-03-22] (2efc7244 - BT#20616) Internal: Avoid auto-generating Doctrine proxy files all the time in production env
- [2023-03-22] (cf295a1b - BT#20442) Plugin: ExtraMenuFromWebservice: Fix z-index
- [2023-03-22] (839f14ac - BT#20442) Plugin: ExtraMenuFromWebservice: Fix z-index
- [2023-03-22] (73044c52 - BT#20442) Plugin: ExtraMenuFromWebservice: Fix z-index
- [2023-03-22] (60d11d25) Composer: Generate ORM proxies post composer install
- [2023-03-22] (40c58d97 - BT#20442) Plugin: ExtraMenuFromWebservice: Menu is open by default. Fix z-index
- [2023-03-20] (7ca2c5ea - GH#4650) Learnpath: Fix special character when importing scorm with bigupload
- [2023-03-18] (279f32f2) Admin: Fix query to list users for session admin
- [2023-03-16] (a1574a85 - BT#20620) WYSIWYG: Filtered special folders and files names with Elfinder
- [2023-03-16] (04e2e952) Scripts: Add script to delete old BigBlueButton recordings
- [2023-03-15] (d2bb5279 - GH#4641) Exercise: Fix to notify subscribed users by email
- [2023-03-13] (0d190c7c - BT#20611) Plugin: OAuth2: Add message about redirect to provider when user's auth_source has been changed
- [2023-03-13] (d2799768 - GH#4640) Plugin: Justification: extend Readme to specify what the plugin is entend to do and how it can be used
- [2023-03-13] (64ebf2cc - BT#20613) Plugin: BBB: set correct icon on plugin installation for course create before plugin activation
- [2023-03-12] (17cccb7b) Internal: Fix issue with apc_prefix including url-id twice in some instances
- [2023-03-10] (81281f40) Learnpath: Fix JS issue when trying to load WAMI on HTTP
- [2023-03-10] (2650f0ef - BT#20587) Exercise: set vertical as default orientation for sequence ordering questions for better management of all use cases
- [2023-03-10] (cbb7e6ec - BT#20405) Cron: CSV import: Fix data collection in events import (contributed by Laurent Goossens)
- [2023-03-09] (73f3768d) Exercise: Fix aiken content imported to exercise from openAi.
- [2023-02-09] (044dd6c4) SortableTable::get_additional_url_paramstring() - http_build_query() throws fatal error SortableTable::get_additional_url_paramstring() The first http_build_query() throws fatal error when $this->additional_parameters is not an array The error surfaced when viewing the index of an "Attendances" tool. (main/attendance/index.php)
- [2023-03-09] (ceeb46df - GH#4631) Internal: Pass array in SortableTable::set_additional_parameters Refs
- [2023-03-09] (a298c292) Internal: Add array checks to avoid notices See 36ea4c2
- [2023-03-09] (c605c9ef) Revert "Internal: Add array checks to avoid notices" This reverts commit 86c1bb626b30b7c6972d292ee0d8222d62e5e1ac.
- [2023-03-08] (3ead478d - BT#20575) Tracking: Duplicated users report: Allow export to Excel
- [2023-03-08] (a935bbda - BT#20575) Tracking: Duplicated users report: Add context about active column
- [2023-03-08] (ee1425d5 - BT#20575) Internal: Sortable table can return filtered data
- [2023-03-08] (2c54c7c2 - BT#20575) Tracking: Duplicated users report: refactor to move code to function
- [2023-03-08] (d9f6fdc6 - BT#20589) Work: Remove extra code to display warning message of protected Document
- [2023-03-07] (bcb95c7e - BT#20589) Work: Fix display warning message of protected Document
- [2023-03-06] (249d933f) Internal: Fix imagegif() call, function has no third parameter Author: @TheTomcat14
- [2023-03-04] (c3658627 - GH#4612) Internal: Improve inline documentation to import users as DRH through CSV/XML
- [2023-03-04] (269ba38a - GH#4627) Session: Do not show the star (session-specific resource indicator) in "student view" mode as it doesn't appear for real students, thus introducing confusion for teachers
- [2023-03-03] (98bfc767) Plugin: AI Helper: Change questions generation request to reduce probability of unwanted quoting
- [2023-03-02] (0b39c272 - BT#20589) Work: Add parameter to validate invisible subfolders with ajax
- [2023-03-02] (5bb78471 - BT#20575) Internal: Fix the overwriting of $_GET in duplicated users report
- [2023-03-02] (fff9269d - BT#20589) Work: Allow invisible subfolders from documents
- [2023-02-28] (6e0d1d1d - BT#20589) Work: Make invisible folders from documents visible in work documents attachments
- [2023-02-28] (3d82230f) Internal: Fix query in Statistics::countCourses
- [2023-02-27] (935d955e) Plugin: AI Helper: Improve query wrapper to reduce chances of incoherent table of contents or test topics in learning path auto-creation. Notably, not setting a context to the test generation would generate a test on the term "conclusion" rather than the "conclusion" chapter of the course.
- [2023-02-27] (03d246bc - GH#4606) Plugin: AI Helper: Add styles link for header in lp content using OpenAi
- [2023-02-27] (16b3398f) Display: Update checkered flag for end of learning path icon (added in 1.11.18)
- [2023-02-24] (9205b9ca - BT#20443) Learnpath: Fix publicated_on date when creating lp
- [2023-02-24] (a5c5c36e - GH#4595) Learnpath: Remove validation on "completed" (or equivalent) lesson_status to update the SCO view details in SCORM learning paths
- [2023-02-24] (e19e39d6 - GH#4594) Learnpath: Add lower progress condition on c_lp_view table update in write_to_db()
- [2023-02-24] (2745f12b - BT#20367) Documentation: Update installation guide regarding Chamilo Rapid / PPT2LP converter
- [2023-02-23] (cdba8649 - BT#20569) Session: Add relation to pre-fill session extra field with user extra field
- [2023-02-23] (ae2e68ff - BT#20531) Admin: add explanation and comment for the variable recuperation for multiURL platforms
- [2023-02-22] (4b4c955c - BT#20540) Group: fix multiURL management to show all URLs from the platform
- [2023-02-20] (c9868307 - BT#18201) Portfolio: Fix breadcrumb when choosing visibility for comment
- [2023-02-20] (e1c0ef18 - BT#18201) Portfolio: Advanced sharing allow to hide comment except for author
- [2023-02-20] (557217c9 - BT#18201) Portfolio: Advanced sharing allow to hide post except for author
- [2023-02-20] (38bbc1fc - BT#20558) Document: Avoid to show ElFinder CourseDriver to students if tool Documents is hidden
- [2023-02-17] (fd1eca0d - BT#20478) Internal: Add api_get_last_item_property_info() to only get the *last* record of an item in the c_item_property table
- [2023-02-15] (d0fb74ff) Documentation: Update AI Helper plugin changelog for v1.1
- [2023-02-14] (f9d7be71 - GH#4604) Plugin: AI Helper: Fix wrong order of items in learning path
- [2023-02-13] (6e3965e4 - BT#20558) Document: Avoid to show ElFinder CourseDriver to students if tool Documents is hidden
- [2023-02-13] (49217c04 - BT#20554) Exercise: fix problem with default mysql order not set correctly that blocked correct max prerequisities calculation
- [2023-02-10] (c33fe2be - GH#4596) Exercise: Fix link to next question in feedback as pop-up mode
- [2023-02-09] (eda6756f - BT#19577) Plugin: LTI provider: minor: adding indication of configuration to add to be able to access content from other domain
- [2023-02-09] (b6262eb0 - BT#20535) Admin: minor update partial translation in FR, EN, ES for session list new global course report export
- [2023-02-08] (6cb4c026 - GH#4570) Plugin: Zoom: Fix meeting page for students
- [2023-02-03] (3387e661 - BT#20250) Gradebook: Fix styles in columns to avoid empty cells
- [2023-02-08] (41409930 - BT#18201) Portfolio: minor update partial translation in FR, EN, ES for eportfolio advanced sharing option
- [2023-02-08] (90d9d469 - BT#18201) Portfolio: Allow advanced selection of who can view the comments
- [2023-02-07] (27326a28 - GH#4555) Exercise: Fix issue with tag attribute for modal window question
- [2023-02-07] (03c2cc02 - GH#4555) Exercise: Allow teachers to remove a question from a test
- [2023-02-07] (938e57fd - GH#4590) Plugin: Buy Courses: Fix issue with services list not loading + improve breadcrumbs and redirections
- [2023-02-07] (2d887e8b - GH#4584) Maintenance: Fix missing learning paths when importing course
- [2023-02-07] (bdac1544 - GH#4589) Plugin: AI helper: default visibility now hidden, default results display is now to show answers, default score is now number of questions
- [2023-02-06] (1491e42c - BT#20509) Admin: Fix password checker for php >= 8.0 complement
- [2023-02-06] (df03d258 - BT#18201) Portfolio: Fix saving of comment item property
- [2023-02-06] (a1d10357 - GH#4589) Plugin: AI Helper: Improve AI helper plugin, generate a test with results shown
- [2023-02-06] (2fae2e29 - BT#20509) Admin: Fix password checker for php >= 8.0
- [2023-02-06] (fdb5df8e - GH#4555) Exercise: Fix delete question when it was imported from other exercise in different course
- [2023-02-04] (31635d10 - BT#20531) Admin: More efficient fix configuration variable recuperation for none multiURL plateforms
- [2023-02-03] (142514c9 - BT#20531) Admin: Fix configuration variable recovery for none multiURL plateforms
- [2023-02-02] (c336df09 - BT#20518) Exercise: Rename global questions to exact combination in code
- [2023-01-31] (e7505405 - BT#20362) Learnpath: Fix order menu tree when it has final item
- [2023-01-30] (9635771a - GH#4558) Attendance: Fix entities and fields created through installation of 1.11.18 (and not update from 1.11.16)
- [2023-01-30] (922850c4 - BT#19577) Plugin: LTI provider: bumping to version 1.1
- [2023-01-30] (0d54f1bb - BT#19577) Plugin: LTI provider: adapt entity to accept string as indicated in the IMS LTI standard
- [2023-01-27] (39ab49fb - BT#20518) Exercise: Fix error in calculated score with "Global multiple answer"
- [2023-01-24] (6999ab22 - BT#20503) Maintenance: Fix calendar events don't copy (missing properties) from backup
- [2023-01-20] (865408c7 - BT#20496) Plugin: Fix encoding answers in Test2Pdf plugin
Stylesheets and theming
Web services
- [2023-02-17] (5fd028a0 - BT#20478) Webservice: Add extra fields management for course_exercises, course_descriptions and get_test_updates_list
- [2023-02-17] (1845be23 - BT#20478) Webservice: Add created_by/updated_by to course_exercises webservice
- [2023-02-18] (44079ae3 - BT#20478) Webservice: Add tolerance for userId null in __getConfiguredUsernameById()
- [2023-02-18] (911ac428 - BT#20478) Webservice: Move extra fields sub-array to flat list of fields prefixed by "extra_"
- [2023-05-23] (65972fc3 - BT#20460) Webservice: Add 'active' parameter to users_profiles_by_extra_field
- [2023-05-23] (c5ff2be4 - BT#20460) Webservice: Add username to get_users' response
- [2023-05-26] (54584b31 - BT#20460) Webservice: Add 'extra_fields' parameter to get_users
- [2023-06-06] (8aac38b7 - GH#4647) Webservice: Add new webservices get_sessions, subscribe_users_to_session, unsubscribe_users_from_session, get_users_subscribed_to_session
- [2023-03-03] (454f945f) Internal: Remove .htaccess rule redirecting root literals like /[username] to users.php?[username]. This rule was introduced a very long time ago to emulate social networks. It is confusing and clearly not a very logical rule at the age of GDPR.
Known issues
- The Zoom plugin fails on one of the endpoints for reasons that seem to be on the Zoom side.